What are the local ordinances for animal control and welfare in your county? Some counties have stricter ordinances than others, and many have the bare minimum. We encourage you to learn what kind of protection pets have in your community.
Irresponsible owners must be shown their actions have consequences! If you see an animal being mistreated, neglected or abandoned call your local animal control or police department and make a report. No abuse of any kind should not be tolerated; reporting abuse to the authorities is the first step to helping the animal. Record incidents with videos or photos as evidence and be persistent. Keep a log of dates and locations. If authorities are unwilling to act, contact the media. The public needs to know about inadequate responses. Local newspapers, print or online, can be very helpful. Let your Commissioners know if animal abuse is being ignored in your County.
Educate members of your community about proper pet ownership, and how they can keep their pets healthy and happy. Teach children how important it is to treat a pet as a family member, and that pets are a long term commitment. Donate to local animal rescues or nonprofits that directly help animals. Offer to help with food or a doghouse if you know a pet owner is struggling financially.
Animal Control officers, shelter staff and rescues are the first responders for animals and need the support of the community. Volunteer, donate and promote shelter events to help improve the care of animals who enter facilities and keep the time spent there as short as possible. Learn how your animal control functions and allocates funds.
If ordinances in your county are inadequate for protecting animals from abuse and neglect, let your commissioners know this issue is important to you. Find out which commissioners are concerned about animal welfare and when elections will be held so that you can elect the ones that share your concerns.
Your support and contributions will enable us to improve conditions for animals all over the state. Thank you for any help you can give.
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